Ex Back Affiliate Program
Be Irresistible Top Logo

Paid Traffic Keywords

Keyword Targeting Rules

Restricted keywords: The following keywords are restricted and affiliates should never bid on them in any format.

Never permitted: Beirresistible, be irresistible, Blink Publishing, blinkpublishing

Limited keywords: Affiliates may bid on product titles and expert name keywords, so long as their website has been approved and they are presenting themselves as a third-party, review website.

Permitted only for review pages: relationship rewrite method, his secret obsession, what men secretly want, hero instinct, James Bauer

When using these limited keywords, affiliate must be very careful not to make false claims, use negative marketing, or engage in false representation.

View the complete rules here.

Ex Back Keywords

More Keywords

Below are additional keywords that are less focused on Ex-back topics but which may also do well.